Sweet Life Cafe wrap up

>> Friday, October 16, 2009

From Ahab (a.k.a. Elvis), to trading our burdens for promises at the cross, Sweet Life Café was a time of Jesus, retreat, relaxation and girlfriends.

We got to know each other a little better – and in some instances, maybe a little too much!

The pajama party was a riot. Bunnies, devils, leopards, kitties, and Whos (as in Dr. Seuss).

My favorite drummer, Stephanie Jolley, won the prize for best pajamas on Friday night, with Tiffany Witt and Jan Frierson rounding out the top three.

There were regular pj’s in attendance, and then there were … the other pj’s. There will be no pictures posted from the pajama party. After all, we are a godly group of ladies and wouldn’t want to embarrass one another for the world!

Or would we?

Just kidding!

Family Feud.

We made special gifts of cinnamon pancake mix wrapped up nicely in a tea towel.

Each Cafe group worked through devotions as a group. The small groups allowed for quality discussion time.

We had a visit from two heads of state: Ahab (aka Elvis) and Jezebel. See their crowns?

It's not naptime yet.

Praying for one another.

A game of spoons. Before.
(there will be no "after" pix - an innocent game of spoons can end brutally)

More Family Feud.

Hey! Do you mind? We are huddling here!

And .... ummm... exactly what are they doing?

Cafe groups working through devotions.

Assembling the pancake gift bags.
A parting shot.
We missed every one of you who could not attend. There is a special, lasting bond that forms between the women who attend these getaways.
We are always stronger together .... than alone.


Retreat! Retreat!

>> Sunday, August 23, 2009

We are just a little over a month out from our retreat to St. Augustine, Florida.

The supplies are being purchased. The roommate list is falling into place. The plans are shaping up for all the wonderful activities and fun we are going to have!

We are praying for each of you by name as we prepare for this special event. God has something in store for each of us as we take time away from our busy schedules to slow down and bit and just indulge ourselves in Him.

You may check-in to your hotel room after 3pm on Thursday, October 1st. A light, informal dinner will be served beginning at 6pm and the opening session begins at 8pm.

Breakfast is served in the dining area on the main floor of the hotel from 6am - 9am. Friday morning's session begins at 9am and we will break at noon for an afternoon of free time. You can do whatever you like - shop, go to the beach, lounge by the pool, or take a nap in your room! Lunch and dinner on Friday are on your own. Join up with a friend or two or eight, and go out and spend quality time with your sisters!

But don't be late for the main session, which begins at 8pm on Friday night. Come in your pajamas and slippers! We will have dessert and coffee, play some games, have a little friendly competition and ... oh! Did I mention there will be a contest? The most outstanding slippers will win something wonderful! Don't know just yet what that is, but it's gonna be wonderful!

So, decorate, modify, fabricate, disfigure, adorn, embellish, garnish, enhance, construct, transform, fix up and spruce up those slippers! We wanta see some really cool slippers!